If you are looking for the scientific explanation of how life evolved, you won’t find it here. There are 7 theories, each involving either a lightning strike, deep sea vents, ice molecules, RNA (a molecule more ancient than DNA and protein that can however, create both), a cocktail of interacting smaller molecules or outer space. The truth is, no one really knows. That’s why the words “maybe” “might have” and “probably” are commonly found on museum displays.
What scientists believe to be true is Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. A scientific discovery that unfolds a story of incredible growth and radical change. For example, between 7 million years ago and now - 21 different types of humans have existed, with Homo Sapiens (us) being the only type to have survived, 150 million years ago - meter long insects ruled the skies and 125 million years ago - plants developed their colour and thorns to either attract pollinators or harm predators. These theories are just the tip of the iceberg.
Throughout the course of natural selection, a gradual process of change occurred that eventually led to new species. Change has been a part of our survival for billions of years, it’s our only constant in life.
As far as we can tell, [the Babylonians’ were] the first to really take notes of the world around them… They were the first to keep track of time… The Babylonians’ central figure was 60, which is why we think of time in units of 60.” (A Brief History of Creation: Science and the Search for the Origin of Life). This means that time was invented less than 4000 years ago!
Around the same time, the first evolutionary theory was echoed throughout Europe, and the dawn of a ‘New Age of Science’ and ‘Reason’ began that would come to be known as ‘Enlightenment’.
Less than 200 years ago, an anonymously authored work on the Natural History of Creation appeared on the shelves of England’s booksellers. The British public had never seen anything like it. Thirty years after the Author’s death, “the journalist and publisher of the book revealed was Robert Chambers. Chambers went to great lengths to conceal his identity, even having his wife copy the original manuscript by hand, for fear his handwriting would be recognised by editors. He burned his notes and kept the manuscript in a locked drawer. Chambers was terrified of the inevitable religious backlash he would face if his identity was revealed. He and his brother owned a publishing house that earned most of its income from producing religious textbooks in their native Scotland. Discovery would have meant financial ruin.”
Internet, cars, light-bulbs, antibiotics and electricity (to say the least) were all invented in the last 200 years. Life is full of obstacles and opportunities – ready to take a chance on. Feel empowered with the luck that comes your way from preparation meeting good karma. Feel empowered that we all have day-to-day problems that we can and will overcome. Feel empowered that we each have unique and beautiful intentions yet are deeply connected. Feel empowered that we have this short lucky life to enjoy. It’s the longest time we’ll ever have.